25 main museums in Minsk


The museums of the Belarusian capital store hundreds of thousands of unique exhibits in their funds, testifying to the heroic past and worthy present of the city and the whole country. It is better to start acquaintance with Minsk with the largest and most honored institutions that are the property of Belarus - the National Historical, the Museum of the History of Minsk and the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the National Art Museum, the literary museums of Yakob Kolas and Yanka Kupala.

There are also museums in the city that can be called unusual. They have yet to enter the capital's guidebooks as the most interesting and popular objects, but today the idea and exposition of these establishments surprises, fascinates, and evokes a range of positive emotions. These include museums of cats, irons, money, miniatures, stones, beer, retro gas stations.

The best museums in Minsk

Interesting and popular museums in the city that are definitely worth a visit.

Museum of the history of the Great Patriotic War

First opened to visitors in October 1944. It is the largest repository of military relics in Belarus. Since 2014, it has been located in a new building, the facade of which is made in the form of rays of the Victory fireworks. 10 exhibition halls of the museum are equipped with multimedia complexes. A number of historical episodes are presented in the form of installations. The funds contain over 140 thousand exhibits - household items, clothing, printed publications, weapons, military equipment.

Address: Minsk, Pobediteley Avenue, 8

Site: warmuseum.by

"Mini country"

Allows you to get acquainted with the architectural monuments of Belarus, without leaving the center of the capital. Here you can find detailed recreated copies of the Brest Fortress, Nesvizh Castle, National Library, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. There are 18 objects in total, but the collection continues to grow. The models are made of plastic, have figures of people and animals, lighting, interactive elements that create the illusion of reality. The museum has a souvenir shop, photo zone, cafe.

Address: Minsk, Independence Avenue, 25

Site: belarusmini.by

National Art Museum

The first picture gallery in Minsk was opened in 1939. Today the museum contains a rich collection of classical Russian and Western European painting, national graphics, sculpture, old printed books, old Belarusian icons and church utensils, works of art from Asian and African countries. The total number of art treasures reaches 30 thousand units. The museum often hosts temporary exhibitions, author's lectures, and interactive programs.

Address: Minsk, st. Lenin, 20

Site: artmuseum.by

National History Museum

It has the largest collection of museum treasures in Belarus - more than 400 thousand items. Among them - a collection of weapons and musical instruments, old printed books, valuable documents, paintings, archaeological finds, precious stones, numismatics, household items, the famous Slutsk belts and much more. There are 10 exhibition halls. In addition to the main building on Karl Marx Street, there are 5 branches of the museum in different districts of Minsk.

Address: K. Marx, 12

Site: histmuseum.by

Groshi Money Museum

The exposition of a small private museum, which opened its doors in 2018, tells about the history of Belarusian money. Only originals are presented here - 1,500 exhibits. These are coins, banknotes, bonds, stamps, coupons. All of them are placed under a protective glass, in chronological order. The museum has an area for the sale of commemorative coins, banknotes and souvenirs. Touch screens are available for detailed information.

Address: Minsk, Zybitskaya street, 6

Site: mgroshi.by

Museum of Folk Architecture and Life

The history, culture and folklore traditions of Belarus are presented in 3 exposition zones in the open air. The museum was opened in 1985 in the suburb of Minsk - the village of Ozertso. On the territory of 151 hectares, the traditional peasant life of the past centuries has been recreated. Residential huts, outbuildings, religious buildings have been erected. On holidays, fairs and folk festivals are organized here according to ancient customs. There is a restaurant with Belarusian cuisine.


Site: etna.by


The museum is dedicated to the oldest brewing company in Belarus, dating back to 1864, and its products. More than a hundred exhibits are presented here, including a collection of beer bottles, archival documents, old equipment for the production of a foamy drink. During the excursion, you can learn how modern beer is brewed, the culture of its consumption, and taste several varieties. It is possible to visit the workshops of the Alivaria plant.

Address: Kiseleva, 30

Site: alivaria.by

Museum of aviation technology

Located in the open air, at the airport of the village of Borovoy, near Minsk. More than 30 aircraft and helicopters are on display here. All of them are in excellent condition, there is even a working technique. You can not only inspect the exhibits, but also boldly climb inside the cabins, imagining yourself in the role of a pilot. Those who wish can order a helicopter flight or take a parachute jump. The museum was opened in 2009 at the initiative of the local flying club.

Address: Lipkovskaya, 12 A

Site: aeroclub-minsk.by

Museum of the history of the city of Minsk

It is a whole complex of galleries, museums and exhibitions. Among them are the City Hall, two art galleries, the studio of the artist-sculptor I. Ya. Misko, Loshitsa estate in the park of the same name, the carriage museum, etc. There are 9 objects in total. The official opening of the museum took place in 2010. Its funds contain more than 11 thousand exhibits. These are objects of urban life, paintings, graphics, sculptures, an archaeological collection and much more.

Address: Minsk, pl. Freedom, 15

Site: minskmuseum.by

House-Museum of the 1st Congress of the RSDLP

It belongs to the oldest museums in the capital. It opened in 1923 in a small wooden house, where Russian Social Democrats met for the first time in 1898. In Soviet times, the exposition was entirely devoted to this historical event. But after the independence of Belarus, the subject matter of the museum was expanded. Now here you can learn about the life of Minsk at the turn of the past centuries, the appearance of the railway, cinemas, stadiums, the Alivaria brewery and more.

Address: Minsk, Independence Avenue, 3A

Site: histmuseum.by

Museum-workshop of Z.I. Azgur

The collection of the former workshop of the prominent Belarusian sculptor numbers 435 exhibits. These sculptures were made by the master during 1936-1992. Through the prism of his work, the entire XX century is presented - folk writers, war heroes, idols of the communist era. It is unlikely that in any other museum you can see so many Lenins and Stalins. Creative meetings, musical evenings, and movie screenings are often held here.

Address: Z. Azgur, 8

Site: azgur.by

Vankovich House

The estate of an ancient noble family, one of whose representatives was Valentiy Valkovich, a famous Belarusian artist. The house was built in the classicism style at the end of the 18th century. At the end of the last century, it was restored; a monument to the painter was erected at the entrance. Several halls exhibit paintings by V. Vankovich, archival documents, photographs, a rich collection of manor portraits, etc. Musical evenings are often held in the mansion.

Address: Internatsionalnaya, 33 A

Site: artmuseum.by

Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature

It was opened in 1991 in the building of Trinity Suburb - an architectural monument of the 19th century. The museum collection contains over 50 thousand exhibits. They serve as the basis for thematic exhibitions revealing the main milestones in the life and work of the classics of Belarusian literature. Presented are manuscripts of works, books published during their lifetime, including those with autographs and bookplates of writers, their personal belongings, collections of old printed editions, rare iconography, photographic materials.

Address: M.Bogdanovich, 13

Site: bellitmuseum.by


The fascinating world of science opens up for young and adult visitors to this museum. Comprehend the secrets of electricity, magnetism, mechanics, water processes, solve intricate puzzles, immerse yourself in the world of astronomy, go through the laser and mirror labyrinths - all this is available in 7 halls of the interactive museum. There are over 150 exhibits here. They can be viewed, twisted, disassembled, investigated. And you can also take part in bright scientific shows.

Address: Gazeta Pravda, 29

Site: kvantum.by

Cat museum

An unusual museum was created in Minsk in 2015. It includes 2 showrooms and several cozy houses for the full-fledged owners of this establishment - cats. In the past, they were homeless or lived in a shelter. And now they meet and entertain museum visitors. All of its exhibits are devoted to the "cat" theme - drawings, photographs, figurines, paintings, installations. Children are invited to play games, read, and put together interesting puzzles.

Address: International, 23

Site: catmuseum.by

Museum of the History of Belarusian Cinema

Organized in 1966 at the Belarusfilm studio. Today it is located in the city center, in an old 3-storey building. On the ground floor there is a cinema hall, where cinema classics from museum funds, both domestic and foreign, are demonstrated. The second is the main exposition dedicated to the history of cinematography, the best Belarusian filmmakers and their films. The museum has over 800 exhibits. The top floor is for art exhibitions.

Address: Sverdlova, 4

Site: cinema.museum.by

Yakub Kolas Museum

Organized in honor of one of the founders of national literature K. Mitskevich or Yakub Kolas. It opened in 1959 within the walls of the house, where the writer spent the last 10 years of his life. The museum fund includes more than 30 thousand items. This is an extensive collection of personal belongings of the Mitskevichs, manuscripts, books, documents, paintings, etc. The museum has several branches in the homesteads of Albut, Lastok, Smolnya, where Yakub Kolas lived at various times.

Address: Akademicheskaya, 5

Site: kolas.museum.by

Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It was established in 1987. The exhibitions on 2 floors of the museum consist of unique items, photographs and documents that allow tracing the history of the development of the main law enforcement agency of Belarus. Visitors are told about medieval methods of investigation and inquiry, about the defenders of the Brest Fortress and the heroes-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, about the work of modern law enforcement officers. There is an exhibition of vintage cars in the courtyard of the museum.

Address: Minsk, st. City Val, 7

Site: mvd.gov.by

Yanka Kupala Museum

The very first exhibition dedicated to the national poet I. D. Lutsevich opened in 1945 in the House of Trade Unions. In 1959, a building was built specifically for the museum on the site of the poet's house destroyed by the Germans. Despite the fact that the archive and library of Kupala burned down during the war, the number of items in the museum fund today is more than 40 thousand items. Quests, interactive projects, theatrical excursions have been developed for young visitors.

Address: Yanka Kupala, 4

Site: kupala-museum.by

National Center for Contemporary Arts

One of the largest cultural venues in the capital, where the atmosphere of creative creativity and free flight of imagination always reigns. Has been working since 2015. The main task is to develop and support the most relevant trends in art. It hosts exhibitions, contests, festivals, performances, film screenings, interactive performances. The basis of the museum collection is made up of about 5 thousand works of contemporary Belarusian and foreign artists.

Address: Nekrasov, 3

Site: ncsm.by

Iron Museum

It was opened in 2018 on the territory of Troetsky Suburb. The exposition contains gas, steam, alcohol, kerosene, coal-fired irons of irregular round shape, sea irons weighing 20 kg. Folk craftsmen made souvenir models - from straw, wood, wool, glass. In total, more than 300 ancient exhibits collected by Belarusian collectors are presented here. The museum also has an iron of the future - "holographic".

Address: Bogdanovich, 11

Site: mingorspravka.by

"Open Ocean"

5 halls of the museum are 5 oceans of the Earth. You can learn about the characteristic features and underwater inhabitants of each of them by visiting the capital's oceanography center on Brilevskaya Street. Several species of turtles, salamanders, sharks, Caribbean shrimps, moray eels, transparent fish, piranhas, surgeon fish and others live in aquariums. In addition, the museum has a library, a video room, and an electronic laboratory. Organized a club for aquarists, divers, children's circles.

Address: Minsk, Brilevskaya st., 3

Site: ocean-minsk.by

Maxim Bogdanovich Museum

One of the many literary museums in Minsk. It was opened in 1991, in one of the buildings of the Trinity Suburb, on Maxim Bogdanovich Street. 5 exhibition halls reflect the short life and poetic world of the classic of Belarusian literature. Among the 16 thousand museum exhibits there are manuscripts, photographs, books, a collection of poems "Vianok" with the poet's autograph, personal belongings, illustrations for works, records of memoirs, etc.

Address: M. Bogdanovich, 7 A

Site: museum.by

Museum of History and Culture of Jews of Belarus

In the 19th century, Jews made up almost half of the Minsk population, and the Hebrew language was the state language along with Russian, Belarusian, and Polish. But it was this people who suffered more than others from the genocide in the last century. You can learn about the history of the Minsk ghetto, the Jewish resistance movement during the war years, and the revival of Jewish culture by visiting the museum. It was founded in 2002, collected about 10 thousand unique exhibits. Traveling exhibitions are practiced.

Address: Vera Horuzhei, 28

Site: jewishmuseum.by

Minsk planetarium

Visitors have the opportunity to get in touch with the mysterious space, learn interesting facts about constellations, planets and galaxies, the latest achievements in astronomy and cosmonautics. The hall is designed for 120 spectators. For children, the poster of the planetarium includes cartoons, fairy-tale stories about the Universe. You can continue your acquaintance with space at the recently reconstructed observatory. A telescope with 300x magnification is installed here.

Address: Minsk, Frunze street, 2, bldg. 6

Site: planetarium.by
