40 main attractions of Karelia


Karelia is an amazing land. Summer is the time for fishing on numerous lakes and rivers, hunting in dense forests, winter is a time for skiers, those who like to ride snowmobiles or more exotic transport: reindeer and dog sledding. In addition to extreme and active recreation, there are also quieter entertainment: motor ship cruises with a tour of numerous Karelian sights.

For those interested in history, there are also many interesting things. In addition to the petroglyphs and sites of the Stone Age inherited from the ancient people, there are many evidences of a great war left here. And, of course, acquaintance with the special local cuisine!

The most interesting and beautiful places in Karelia

List, photos with names and descriptions of the best attractions in the region!

Museum-reserve "Kizhi"

The famous Karelian museum with a dual focus: architectural and ethnographic. From all over Zaonezhie, monuments of wooden architecture have been brought here, from houses of local peasants to chapels and a majestic cathedral. The territory of the island reserve is divided into thematic sectors representing the culture of local peoples (Karelians, Vepsians), newcomers of Russians and dedicated to their coexistence for centuries.

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Kivach waterfall

A majestic four-step waterfall on the Suna River, 11 meters high to the mirror of the bowl. The attraction is located on the territory of the reserve of the same name, therefore the rules of conduct are appropriate. The excursion route is equipped with viewing platforms, gazebos and toilets. The visit is paid, you can order a thematic excursion on a separate preliminary request.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala"

Natural monument. Located near Sortavala on the site of old marble quarries. Under the supervision of instructors, tourists will have a fascinating active rest with a survey of mine workings and woodlands. Adrenaline lovers will be offered a descent along a four-hundred-meter stretched cable over a marble canyon filled with water, who prefer educational excursions - a descent into an 800-meter half-flooded mine.

Interesting natural monuments in the region: 25 best natural monuments of Karelia

Ladoga lake

The main Karelian attraction is the largest lake in Europe and the second largest in Russia. The length of the reservoir is 219 km, and the width reaches 125 km. There are many natural beauties on the shores of Ladoga: beaches, mountains and picturesque islands, protected areas. Popular routes to holy places: Valaam Island, Konevsky Monastery. One can get acquainted with the rich history of Ladoga in ancient cities, and numerous memorials are dedicated to the Road of Life and the Siege of Leningrad.

Lake Onega

Here the northern nature reveals itself in its harsh beauty. The main entertainment is fishing. A trophy in the form of local salmon, grayling or a decent-sized ide is almost guaranteed. At the end of July, the surface of the lake is rippled with hundreds of sails of yachts and boats: Open800 is held here - the annual prestigious regatta. There are many boat and boat tours on the lake: from coastal to travel to wild islands.

Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The 14th century men's monastery located on the archipelago of the northern part of Ladoga. A place of pilgrimage for believers and a must-visit point on the route. It is represented by a complex of several temples, hermitages and farmsteads scattered across the islands. Believers are attracted here by the glory of Balaam as a holy place; there are a number of famous shrines: venerated tombs, relics, icons.

National Park "Ladoga Skerries"

A newly formed national park with a difficult history associated with territorial disputes. Therefore, its boundaries are not defined precisely and it has not acquired an infrastructure. A big plus of the park is its location near Sortavala, which makes it easier to visit. The Red Book ringed seal and a rare species of golden eagles live here, which ecotourists and biologists come to observe.

Mount Vottovaara

It's not easy to get here, the locals, if they show the way, are reluctant - the mountain is considered the abode of evil spirits. In the Great Patriotic War, she received the formidable nickname "Death Mountain", its surroundings became the arena of terrible battles. Tourists and researchers are attracted by unusual stone structures of unknown origin, and those who are fond of esotericism are attracted by the search for a transition to another world, a kind of Karelian Shambhala.

Waterfall "White Bridges"

This 18-meter waterfall is known for its varied behavior depending on the season. In spring - roaring fountains of water, yellowish with peat admixtures, in summer - calm and clean, in autumn - again raging and formidable, in winter - a sculpture of ice lace. There are no specialized resting places, there is a comfortable clearing for a campground near the bowl. Caution should be exercised - encounters with bears are not uncommon.

Embankment of Lake Onega in Petrozavodsk

Petrozavodskaya embankment is famous for the abundance of monuments located here. Since the building is relatively new, most of the monuments represent contemporary art. The most famous is the "Wallet of Fortune", which tourists are rubbing to a shine in the hope of material well-being. There are about 10 compositions in total, but there is plenty of space on the embankment, so replenishment is expected.

Recommended: 45 main attractions of Petrozavodsk.

Onega petroglyphs

The rocks of the Onega Peninsula, Besov Nos, are dotted with 1000 signs and figures carved in stone. Basically - birds, local animals, people, boats. The depth of the furrows is 1-4 mm, they used to be deeper, 6000 years have passed since their application. There are also unusual symbols in the form of strange geometric shapes, the meaning of which has not been established. There is also a "remake": in order to neutralize the "evil" in the 15th century, local monks knocked out a giant cross.

Lake Urozero

The lake is a hydrological natural monument and, together with the coastal area, forms a nature reserve. It is located 20 km west of Petrozavodsk in the Prionezhsky region. The reservoir is triangular, has no tributaries, and is separated by an isthmus from Lake Surgubskoye. The water surface area exceeds 13 km2... The banks are high, rocky, and the water is unusually clear, with a bluish-green tint.

Vodlozersky National Park

The natural park is located in the Pudozh region of Karelia and on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region. This land was inhabited about 8,000 years ago, and traces of the Samm, Finnish and Slavic tribes were found here. The basin of Lake Vodlozero and the Ileksa River is a unique natural complex, the forest area of ​​which is larger than in all of Western Europe. Eco-routes for tourists, river rafting, sport fishing are organized in the park.

White Sea petroglyphs

These are rock carvings dating from about the 3rd millennium BC in the White Sea region of the north of Karelia. The attraction is located 1.3 km from a special parking lot on the Sosnovets-Belomorsk highway, this distance is covered on foot along an equipped path. Petroglyphs are represented by two thousand images, collected in groups: people, animals, battles, hunting scenes.

Karelian Zoo

The only zoo in Karelia is located in the Sortvalsky region, near the shores of Lake Yanisjärvi. The territory of 30 hectares is surrounded by forest, all natural landscapes are preserved, reservoirs for water birds are arranged. It is home to 500 animals and 150 birds: raccoons, deer, bison, tigers, rare exotic species. There is a petting zoo for children with non-hazardous animals.


The vast reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, in the backwater of the Nizhniy Vyg and Vygozero rivers. At the same time, the lake has doubled, the area is 1143 km2... The reservoir has jagged edges, many bays and islands. A tourist line along the White Sea-Baltic Canal passes through it, ships ply. There are many camp sites on the shores, in summer the water warms up well, there are sandy beaches.

Paanajärvi National Park

The unique Paanajärvi lake with the surrounding forests has been turned into a national park accessible to tourists. They come here to feel the unity with nature, to observe the inhabitants of the local forests. The territory is equipped with paths, huts for the night, places for tents and making a fire. Before visiting, you must register in the village of Pyaozersky, during the excursion, strictly follow the instructions of the park staff.

Mount Paaso

The name comes from the abbreviated Finnish name Paasonvuori. It is located near the town of Sortvala. The height of the mountain is only 79 meters, but from its top there are beautiful views of the surrounding forests, Lake Karmalanjärvi and the Helulanjoki River. On the slopes of the mountain, the remains of a settlement of ancient Karelians of the XII-XIII century, which served as a defensive fortification, were discovered. The ruins have not survived, all archaeological finds are exhibited in the museum of the city of Sortvala.

Ilyinsky Vodlozersky Pogost

The island of Maly Kolstogrov in the waters of Vodlozero sheltered a small monastery in the 16th century. Today it is a functioning religious institution and a monument of federal significance. After the revolution, it was abandoned and survived almost completely due to inaccessibility. Surrounded by a gloomy mystical halo, the reason for this is a series of violent and mysterious deaths of novices and clergy.

Waterfall "Voitskiy Padun"

A powerful waterfall is located on the Nizhniy Vyg river in the Segezha region, near the village of Nadvoitsy. Its second name is Warrior, from the word "howl" that falls from the falling water. The place has been mentioned since the 16th century, according to legend, the remains of the army of False Dmitry died here, the waterfall was described by Derzhavin and Prishvin. You can get to the place by car, from the Kola highway there is a sign to the village and to Vojc.

Waterfall Kumi-threshold

This waterfall is called a giant and one of the main attractions of the north of Karelia. It is located on the Voynitsa River, in the Kalevala region, near the Finnish border. The height of the water stream exceeds 14 meters, so it is rightfully considered the highest flat waterfall in the region. Surrounded by dense centuries-old forests, the roar of the water is heard for many kilometers around. Both the waterfall itself and the surroundings are very beautiful, but the route is quite difficult to access.

Kostomuksha nature reserve

It was created as a kind of testing ground for researching the negative impact of heavy industry on the biocenosis, in particular, the nearby processing plant. It is famous for the presence of the entire set of typical taiga birds: wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, others - only 182 species. Come across a bear, elk, an abundance of squirrels. The status of the territory imposes certain restrictions on visitors.

Sheltozero Vepsian Ethnographic Museum

The only museum of Vepsian culture in Russia. There are 6,000 exhibits dedicated to the traditional crafts and life of this Karelian people: stone carving, embroidery, agriculture, hunting. Located in a classic Vepsian dwelling, formerly the house of the merchant Melkin. In addition to the excursion, visitors will be offered to taste the gates - traditional pastries and listen to the national choir singing.

Ruskeala waterfalls

A favorite place for Russian kayakers - fans of extreme rafting. A cascade of low waterfalls, which, due to their steepness and height, cannot be called ordinary rapids. The width and speed of the Tohmajoki River does not differ, therefore it is an ideal place for mastering this sport, of course, with an experienced instructor. Here they filmed "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", because the places seem familiar to many tourists.

Marcial Waters

This mud balneological resort was opened by Peter I, who wished to have a place of rest and treatment in Russia, similar to the European "waters". Ferruginous mineral springs and sulphide silt mud became the base of the health resort. The emphasis in the healing process is placed on drug-free procedures; visitors will be offered modern methods of treatment and relaxation, such as spa and hirudotherapy.

Murom monastery

The monastery is located on a small promontory between Lake Onega and the mouth of Muromka. It is almost impossible to get here by land - there are swamps all around, only by boat. Most of the architectural ensemble was destroyed, only the buildings necessary for the monks were restored: a refectory, cells, a small church. A monastery with strict rules, it is necessary to arrange a visit in advance.

Kinerma village

The old Karelian-Livik village in all its glory. There are only 5 people living here in 16 yards, joyfully welcoming guests. Tourists will be taken to the farmsteads, told about the crafts of the disappearing ethnic group, they will be offered to try to make a Karelian doll and sit at a loom. Among the services there is also a bathhouse and tea with sulcinats and gates - local pastries. Arrival by appointment.

Lake Yanisjärvi

It is also Lake Hare, created by a fallen meteorite 700 million years ago. A small oval-shaped body of water, literally dotted with small islets and shores overgrown with pine forests. People come here to fish and come across notable trophies. A favorite place for spinning fishing in the dark waters of gigantic pikes. In addition to this predator, perch, ruff, vendace, delicious whitefish and burbot peck.

Kivakkakoski waterfall

One of the hiking trails in Paanajärvi Park leads exactly to this waterfall. Height - 12 meters, the bowl is equipped with a dam. At the site of the excursion, wooden walkways are laid, the approaches are protected by fences. You can only admire the waterfall: swimming, fishing are prohibited, you cannot even throw stones, all for the sake of preserving the pristine nature. In an equipped place nearby you can sit down for a picnic.

Maritime Museum "Polar Odysseus"

Petrozavodsk Museum of operating models of sailing ships. Visitors are allowed to touch, look at and take pictures from the heart. All exhibits are associated with the sailing fleet, some of the models regularly participate in international competitions and festivals, some of them were used for real sea expeditions. The visit is paid, but the price is purely symbolic; master classes are also held.

Epiphany Church in the village of Chelmuzhi

This wooden structure is already 350 years old. After the revolution, the church suffered the fate of all religious buildings - desolation and plunder. During the war, the high bell tower, which served as a reference point for the Nazis' artillery, was partially dismantled, but it was soon rebuilt as a monument of wooden architecture. The decoration and elements of painting were restored, the iconostasis was reassembled.

Botanical Garden of PetrSU

The garden has a double purpose: preservation of endemic species and acclimatization of heat-loving crops to the harsh conditions of Karelia. Almost 1200 plant species grow on 367 hectares. It is divided into sectors, including the arboretum, breeding department, fruit and berry crops, herbaceous, ornamental and medicinal flora. We have our own seed bank and nursery that grows samples for sale.

Cultural and Exhibition Center named after Gogolev K.A.

Kronid Gogolev is a world famous carver, whose works are recognizable for their characteristic style. The center not only presents grandiose panels and miniatures by the master, but also courses for those wishing to master the fine art of carving, conferences are held, and exhibitions of other artists, photographers, sculptors are regularly held. Any tour of Sortovale necessarily includes a visit to the center.

National Museum of the Republic of Karelia

The museum's collections include almost everything related to the history of the region, more than 200 thousand items. From archeology with ethnography to the Karelian fauna, which will be discussed on excursions. The peculiarity of the institution is the presence of a special historical game room, where you can touch any object, try on national costumes, try yourself in traditional crafts.

Ancient volcano Girvas

100 km along the Kola highway separate Petrozavodsk from the oldest Karelian landmark: the long extinct volcano Girvas. It is difficult to guess the fire-breathing giant in him now, because 3 billion years have passed. The vent turned into a lake, the slopes were overgrown with forest, the waterfall was locked with a dam for a controlled discharge of water. A fresh remake of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" was filmed here, so quite recognizable landscapes await tourists.

The island of good spirits

A unique amateur museum on the island, where all the exhibits are brought or erected on site by enthusiasts. All thanks to the legend, they say, a spirit infuses every sculpture and building, bringing incredible luck to the creator. Rockets, giant mosquitoes, human figures, huts and more. True, according to another legend, it is not easy to find it: the spirits will not let anyone in any way, only worthy of their protection.

Military complex "Owl Mountain"

A unique museum of military history, which is a bunker in a granite rock. The Finnish reserve headquarters of the command of the Ladoga Defense Brigade was located here. The command post, utility rooms, warehouses, defense units have been recreated in the dungeon, and expositions of weapons and ammunition of the warring parties have been deployed. On June 23, the Forgotten Lessons of History, a joint Russian-Finnish festival, is held annually.

Assumption Church in Kondopoga

The temple is partially functioning; festive services are held here in summer. The rest of the time the wooden church is a museum, a branch of the local ethnographic museum. It is the last building of religious significance made of wood after its fourth reconstruction in the 18th century. All the temples were later erected with stone. Inside there are stands with documentation and exhibits dedicated to the history of the church. Destroyed by fire on August 10, 2018, restoration is planned.

Recreation center "Ladozhskaya Usadba"

The country resort is located on the shores of the Niemelyankhovi Bay, 16 km from the town of Sortvala. The complex of premium cottages is located in an extensive park area. There is a private bay and a beach on Ladoga, with the organization of water activities. For younger guests, there is a playground, a living corner and a creativity center. The pearl of the complex is the Orthodox church. Excursions to the sights of Ladoga are organized.

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Active recreation center "Yalgora"

The first ski resort in Karelia today has grown into a year-round family recreation center. It is located in the village of Pinguba in the Prionezhsky region, off the coast of the Yalguba bay of Lake Onega. From Petrozavodsk to the resort about 30 km. There are 4 ski slopes with lifts; at the top you can warm up in a panoramic cafe. In the summer, a bicycle camp opens, a 20-meter climbing area is open, eco-routes are available.
